What Makes Someone Interesting?

I was listening to a podcast and the speaker was talking about an article from CNN demanding that we use new (neo) pronouns when non-binary people want us to. Neo-pronouns include xe/xem/xyr, ze/hir/hirs, and ey/em/eir. The speaker believed that these new pronouns are nothing but posturing by those who want to be seen as different, interesting, and unique. They compared…

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What’s Real Life: Jumping on the Barbie Bandwagon or Pulling the Honey Wagon?

Barbie is made of plastic, nothing but a lifeless toy that is trying to duplicate reality: All image, no substance. Like Doll, like Movie. Plastic, plastic, plastic.  And I think that it is why it is such a hit making millions of dollars. Because where there is plastic, there is no real humanity, only the nostalgia of a little girl…

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A Response to Sound of Freedom Critics: Does Evil Exist?

Sound of Freedom is making some huge waves across our country.  Tsunami-sized waves. Waves are expected to wash 40 million dollars to the American shores. Since its release by Angel Studios on July 4th, people have reacted in a variety of different ways to "Sound of Freedom" for many different reasons. Christian groups are praising it saying, “It's about time…

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Go Ahead and Lie to me! (The True Stain on America’s Soul)

1% on Rotten Tomatoes, 1%!  The new Netflix docu-drama “Queen Cleopatra” starring black actress Adele James, is not being received well, and according to Rotten Tomatoes reviews, it is being summarily rejected by 99% of the people who have watched it. In case you are wondering, that is not considered a good score. But not to worry, instead of listening…

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Collective Integrity: Why WOKE Doesn’t Work

I am reading a book that has me spellbound: “Anything You Can Imagine: Peter Jackson and the Making of Middle-earth” by Ian Nathan. I have always been an avid Lord of the Rings fan, both the books and movies. So naturally, I am interested in this biography retelling details of Peter Jackson’s journey from acquiring the rights to the books…

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Saving Starfish (The Reason to Press On in 2023)

Quiet desperation is how the poet Henry David Thoreau described the way most people live their lives. Instead of facing new challenges with an optimistic hope of success, many people would rather give up and hide from the world. I often feel this emptiness of soul right when I wake up in the morning, especially during the dark and cold…

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