What We Can Learn from the Success of The Chosen

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If there’s one thing we can learn from the success of The Chosen it’s that there is a strong desire for high-quality Christian productions with great storytelling. The immensely positive reviews from viewers reflect that. So why don’t we have more options of this caliber? I think it’s because creative artistic expression is not seen as a priority in the church, and yet it may be the very thing that most effectively brings people to Christ. Art (ie “the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination”) resonates with the human spirit and speaks doctrinal truth more deeply than many doctrinal words. That’s because the beauty of creation reflects the mysterious character of God in a tangible way. Beauty is an extravagance, not simply a result of random evolution, so it goes beyond mundane living and utility and offers hope of something more. It’s a taste of heaven.
For this reason, I believe art may be the single most powerful tool we have as Christians to communicate the gospel. Yet we have too easily ceded it over to Satan to corrupt for his own purposes. And what a powerful influence it has had on the masses! Don’t believe me? Just look at the effects our entertainment and celebrities have had on the culture in recent years — influence we could have been wielding for good if only we had not forsaken its importance.
One of the reasons for this may have to do with the fact that our churches are often run far too much like a business (thanks, Rick Warren). Corporations do not value creative expression, they only use a form of art for marketing purposes. They don’t care about it for its own lavish sake, the main concern is the financial bottom line. So too, it seems the church is fine with an imitation style of art for marketing purposes but does little to encourage people to break new and exciting ground.
I think in part it also comes from fear. When you allow people to explore their creative side it is difficult to control the outcome. The only way to truly highlight beauty is to also explore the dark side of life. Only then can God’s goodness be clearly seen by contrast. The Bible does not sugar coat these matters either, which is what makes it such a remarkable and dangerous document and why it stands out from all other religious texts. It doesn’t seek to merely elevate its prominent figures, but it tells the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
So why then do we celebrate an unorthodox project like The Chosen? Talk about a fresh, original, creative, and dare I say, risky, take on the scriptures. It seems to fly in the face of everything we seek to prevent from coming to fruition in the church, but one slipped through the cracks. And we don’t just love it, we’re starving for it. The thing about art is that in theory, it is completely unnecessary, but when our soul meets it face to face it has the ability to change a life. Then it becomes not only necessary but absolutely essential.

“And he has filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all kinds of skills—to make artistic designs for work in gold, silver and bronze, to cut and set stones, to work in wood and to engage in all kinds of artistic crafts.”

Exodus 35:31-33