The movie, Jesus Revolution, was released in theaters this week. From the first trailer, my interest was piqued, so I decided to go to an early showing. The movie itself was an intriguing look at the counter-culture movement that brought many people to Christ amidst the turmoil of the late 1960s. But more than anything it made me think of how similar the times were then to now — the sexual revolution, racial unrest, rampant drug use, and fear for the future. As a culture, there was much darkness, confusion, and chaos. It is no wonder that young people were trying to find meaning in life, just as they do now. But they were coming up empty with the world’s answers and it gave many of them a hunger for something real and substantial. There is nothing like the truth’s ability to clear the air of all the lies, deceptions, and destruction brought about by the enemy.
I find the timing particularly interesting with all that’s going on with the Asbury Revival. It doesn’t matter what you or I think about it, God knows each individual heart. And just like the time of Christ and the “Jesus Revolution” there will be mixed results. Matthew 13:1-23 tells about how the seed falls on four different grounds, some receive it gladly at first, but some will take root and those lives will be forever changed.
One of the problems I have observed with big movements like this is that everyone wants a piece of it. One or more figureheads usually emerge and egos get in the way of the Spirit. So far that hasn’t appeared to happen in Asbusy and I pray it does not. I have heard at least a couple of complaints about there not being any particular leader, but why do you need to establish a king for prayer, worship, and repentance? Because that’s what this is, just the beginning, so theology is not front and center of what is taking place.
Which brings me to this word “Revival”…I’ve never been a big fan of it. So many times this word has been thrown around to describe events that were contrived. People would say, “We’re gonna have a good ol’ fashioned revival.” We don’t get to choose when the spirit moves. To me, a better word for these things is an “Awakening”…it’s when people finally make their way through a dry and desolate desert and come upon a fresh spring. You’re not thinking about anything at that moment except taking a long drink and being refreshed. In this case, many are drinking in the hope that Christ offers. That is why the focus is mainly on prayer, worship, and repentance. Teaching and discipleship come later and God’s people must be ready for that too.
So I just keep praying this Awakening spreads and that thirst is quenched by the living water that Christ promises. People need that hope and many in our own country have not yet heard the gospel. We can’t take for granted that people just know anymore, it’s a different age. But it is absolutely inevitable that people will grow weary of the emotional turmoil that comes from so much darkness, confusion, and chaos.
Consider what a privilege it would be to be used to help clear the air for them by pointing the way to Christ. We must prepare for that day should the call come. So, let’s be ready to give an answer for the hope we have, and let’s do so with gentleness and respect (1 Peter 3:15). Because I think it’s safe to say we all need an Awakening right about now…
Jakki Jelene is a lover of literature and the sea. Whether cozying up with a classic novel or a book of poetry, immersive storytelling has inspired her to express her thoughts in writing for most of her life. Jakki currently resides in beautiful West Michigan with her husband and furry companions.