On ‘Ethnic Bending’ of Famous Fictional Characters

While drooling over pictures of Michael B. Jordan googling the web one day, I happened onto an article about Michael B. Jordan (MBJ) being considered to play Superman. Let’s be frank: the idea of MBJ playing a banana in a kids’ show would make me happy, but that’s neither here nor there. A thought that came to mind is why…

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The Clash of Historical Accuracy and Modern Sensitivities

The realm of historical fiction is unique among the genre of fiction. Simply put, other genres act as portals, sending a reader away on an adventure of some kind. Historical fiction is a time machine. With a deft hand, a writer can have the reader following the main protagonist as they stand on the deck of a pirate ship blasting…

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Redeeming Love is Redeemable

Among the Christians who reacted badly to the movie adaptation of Francine Rivers’ Redeeming Love, I feel like the red-headed stepchild. Goodness knows, I didn’t set out to like the movie or the book. I loved them both! Back in the ’90s, my youth prevented me from appreciating the book. I can remember hearing about a book fictionalizing the historical…

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I Just Can’t Stop Loving You: Romantic Love From a Christian Perspective

Did you ever get one of those notes in grade school that said, “Do you like me? Yes or No? Circle one.” No? Well, me either. For the sake of this article, let’s pretend both of us did. When you’re in grade school, love is a simple thing. You like me. I like you. There! We’re together. It’s not complicated.…

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Christian Writers, Stop Asking For Permission

I’m drenched in the world of Christian publishing, both traditional and indie. In the past eight years, I’ve had first-time authors on my podcast, NYT Best-selling authors, USA Today authors, clean and wholesome, dark and edgy, sci-fi, historical, romance, poets, memoirs, and a plethora of other genre artists. Due to this, I find myself in various groups related to the…

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