Author Spotlight: Jakki Jelene (At Ocean’s Door)

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  • Reading time:7 mins read

Introducing Jakki Jelene, author of the recent Doorway Publishing release, At Ocean’s Door.

Q: Welcome, please tell us a little about yourself; where you live, creative endeavors, and anything else you want to share.

A: Thank you, I currently live near Grand Rapids in Michigan. I moved here from San Diego, California about six years ago but am a Michigan native. Along with writing, I also write and produce electronic music, was the head graphic artist for The Crossover Alliance over the last few years, and dabble in some landscape photography. You can find out more on my website:

Q: Your latest book, At Ocean’s Door, was released on February 2, 2021. What is this book about? (book description, genre, etc.)

A: At Ocean’s Door is set in the early twentieth century and is about a teenage boy who has been sheltered all of his life by his over-protective aunt. He eventually becomes friends with a girl who sees his potential and challenges him to step out of his comfort zone but he struggles to adapt to the real world. It would definitely be classified as a coming-of-age story, but there are also some romantic elements mixed in.

Q: What inspired you to write At Ocean’s Door?

A: I was inspired by many of the classics I love, but got the idea for the story this past summer when I was visiting a beach on a trip to Lake Michigan up north. I saw this cottage that looked like something from another time period and the story just came to me at that moment while I was wading in the water. I came home from my trip and began writing it the next day. Within two weeks I had the first draft written.

Q: Have you always wanted to be an author?

A: Music is my first passion, but writing has always felt natural to me. I seemed to do well with it in school and was often compelled to write stories as a bit of an escape and later blogs, poetry, and of course, songs. I always dreamed that one day I might write and publish a book, but didn’t expect to enjoy the process as much as I have. Having worked in publishing in various capacities, I’ve learned so much along the way that helped the prospect not seem so daunting. I also happen to know many fantastic writers, so that definitely keeps a person humble, but I try to live by a philosophy that anything is possible if you’re passionate enough about it. It’s at least worth a try!

Q: How does your faith influence your writing?

A: Like my music, I never entered writing with an agenda, I just wanted to make something that I would enjoy. The storytelling is first and foremost to me, but since my faith is such an integral part of who I am, it seemed to naturally come to the surface without much force. I want to portray the world in a way that makes sense to me and my faith is always at the center of that.

Q: What is one of the interesting things you learned or discovered while writing this book?

A: The joy of allowing characters to develop as the story progressed, for one. There was just as much discovery while writing as there is in reading a book for the first time. Another is that the main characters spend a lot of time painting together and as a result, I have developed a sudden interest in painting that I hope to pursue in the not-so-distant future. I have no idea if I would even be good at it, but it’s another creative outlet I would love to explore!

Q: What do you want the readers to take away from reading your book without giving away any spoilers?

A: The importance of building healthy relationships. I think as a society we have begun to lose the ability to connect with others. Technology is a poor substitute for face-to-face interaction without constant distraction. I would also say the book is about the joy of living.

Q: Can you give us a hint of any future projects you may have in the works?

A: My next release will be the sequel to At Ocean’s Door, which I am planning to release in May. Hopefully, I’ll have more information about that soon! I am also working on another book that I hope to release later this year.

Q: What are some of your favorite books and/or authors?

A: I have a deep love for the classics, so it will be no surprise to know that authors like L.M. Montgomery, Frances Hodgson Burnett, and Louisa May Alcott inspired this book. My favorite book of all-time would probably be Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte.

Q: As an encouragement to other authors, could you share any advice, tips, or tricks that you have found helpful in your writing process?

A: Once you have a story idea, just begin writing. You don’t need to have it all figured out at once, let the story unfold naturally — you can always fill in the missing pieces later. What matters is that you get the story down. Then you need to edit your book properly and find people you trust to edit and give honest, helpful feedback. And don’t neglect your cover or interior formatting. It doesn’t matter if you wrote the next great American novel, if it doesn’t look good no one will want to read it.

Be sure to visit Jakki Jelene’s author page and pick up your copy of At Ocean’s Door on paperback and ebook.