Until the Tires Fall Off: The Wonder of Rush

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On February 17 we lost the legendary talk radio host, Rush Limbaugh, after a year-long battle with lung cancer. Though a highly controversial figure throughout his career, no one can deny his contribution to the rise in popularity of talk radio, as well as his influence in politics. His booming voice with his blend of serious commentary and humorous satire became a formula many on both sides of the aisle have tried to imitate. 

Most, if not all, of the most well-known conservative voices owe a major debt of gratitude to Rush for the trail he blazed at a time when most political thought was disseminated to the public through a limited number of major networks and newspapers. Rush opened up the possibility of giving voice to every man and talk radio today continues to be a major source of news and commentary.

While many have now moved the format from the AM dial to digital media platforms such as podcasts and YouTube, few have ever come close to matching the success and influence of Limbaugh where he held the top spot for more than thirty years on the air. What an unbelievable achievement! But one thing I have always found particularly remarkable was his tireless dedication to his craft. Even up to the last couple weeks of his life, Limbaugh did what he did best — speak his mind.

Whether you agreed with him most of the time or not, we can all learn something from a person whose convictions are so strong that despite amassing great wealth, retirement was never a consideration. The need to speak up for what he believed in was greater than monetary gain. After all, he knew he was at the end of his life and was certainly no longer motivated by gaining more material possessions, yet he continued on. That is definitely the mark of a true believer.

I wish more of us had his level of conviction, even those I don’t agree with — heck, I wish I did, to be honest. Even God has no palate for lukewarm belief according to Revelation 3:15-16. Rush never took his first amendment right for granted though. In fact, he rode it until the tires fell off, so to speak. And yet, here we are in 2021 facing a real crisis like never before where our freedom of speech is under attack via cancel culture and censorship from big tech.

The loss of liberty is ever at the door. We must never take our ability to use our voice for granted for tomorrow it may be taken from us. Even as we face higher levels of scrutiny and persecution for our views, our voices must grow louder with every effort to silence them. In fact, you’ll only know you’re doing it right when people see you as a threat.

So what does Rush Limbaugh’s legacy in radio have to do with publishing? Well, I would strongly argue that his example can be an inspiration to us all as we forge ahead with whatever calling God has placed on our life. When Rush began his career, talk radio was a largely neglected medium, but Rush saw its potential, seized the opportunity to get his message out, and took the world of politics by storm.

So too, should we always be on the lookout for fresh opportunities to get our message out, and sometimes that means thinking outside the box. No one ever changed the world by doing things the way they’ve always been done. Yes, you might still make a dent, but real impact comes from having the passion and fortitude to look for new, unpaved avenues. It comes from having the courage of your convictions to speak when others prefer to go with the status quo.

It may sound intimidating to start such a venture. It can even be lonely at times if you feel no one quite gets your vision. But what’s most encouraging about Rush Limbaugh’s life is that he is yet another reminder of the impact one man can have. He didn’t get there overnight, but he took it one day at a time, one opportunity at time, and had fun in the process. In the end, he completed his life’s work and left the benefits of that work for the rest of us to traverse. To all who wish to begin their own journey into the unknown, mega-dittos and happy trailblazing!